Companies and institutions that trust me
Visual Facilitation
Trainings in German, French and English
Airport Geneva
Arfor, Vaud
Appartenances, Lausanne
Bénévolat Vaud, Lausanne
Careum, Olten
Cemeo, Vaud
Centre de formation de l’AI, Vevey
Centre de formation AI, Centre de formation, Vevey
CEP, Lausanne
CRPM, Lausanne
Croix Rouge, Bern
Fragile, Zürich
Erni Consulting, Bern
E-Skills, Geneva
Espace Compétences, Cully
HEP, Lausanne
HEP / PH, Fribourg
HEP / PH, Sion
IFAGE, Geneva
IFFP, Renens
IRFA, Yverdon
HEIG-VD, Yverdon
HWZ, Zürich
Manres, Zürich
Migros, Centre de formation, Basel
Migros, Centre de formation, Lausanne
Migros, Centre de formation, Geneva
Migros, Centre de formation, Martigny
NAG, Basel
Neuland, Rotkreux
Perspectiva, Basel
Poste Suisse, Bern
Police d'investigation, Basel et Zürich
UOG, Geneva
Selbsthilfe Werk Schweiz, Zürich
Spitex , Basel
Staastanwaltschaft, Liestal
Swiss Life, Zürich
Ville de Genève, Geneva
ZAK, Basel
Zürich Assurance , Zürich
Book Illustrations for Catherine Vasey, Santé au Travail
Dunod, 2020
Amavita Pharmacy, Amavita Awards 2018 et 2019
TL, Lausanne
Swiss Post, Kaizen Project, Bern
Graphic Recording
Workshops and conferences support, in German, French and English
Bénévolat-Vaud, Lausanne
Bénévolat Valais, Lausanne
Bénévolat-Valais, Saint-Maurice
CHUV, Lausanne
Ernst & Young, Lausanne
Deloitte, Vevey
Fondation de Nantes, Corsier
Graduate Institute, Workshops on Foresight, Geneva
HEC, Workshop BMC, Yves Pigneur, Lausanne
HEC, Workshop MBAE, Lausanne
HEP, Lausanne
HEP, Valais
IMD, Lausanne
Medienhaus Osnabrück, with Manres, Zürich
Migros, Lausanne
Poste Suisse, Bern
Pharmacie Amavita, Bern
Strategyzer, Workshop BMC, Y. Pigneur & A. Osterwalder, London
TL, Lausanne
Von Runstedt, Lausanne
Unilabs, Genève
Career management
Cabinet Porot, Geneva
Argynis, Lausanne
OTP, Geneva
MFC 2000, Morges
Corref, Lausanne
Oseo, Lausanne
Mode d’emploi, Lausanne
Stress management, yoga, meditation
CEP, Lausanne
Ville de Genève, Geneva
OTP, Geneva
More than 10 years experience as a yoga teacher with weekly classes in Lausanne, Orbe and La Sarraz
Uniscop, N°630, 29 January-25 February 2018
Revue de la Chambre Economique Publique du Jura Bernois, 4/2016